
The right choice for your business!                

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ENERGY CHOICE is a consulting and business-development company, which is active in the sector of energy, with focus on the regional development and entrepreneurial and professional training.  

Energy Choice activities are concentrated on three areas:

  • operation as a developer, by promoting and integrating actions related to business conception, structuring and implementation;

  • delivery of services as an advisor and for technical and entrepreneurial consulting;

  • outsourced services. 

The main focus of ENERGY CHOICE is on the client, and we always endeavor to provide the right choice for full compliance with the client’s requirements. For this reason, the services rendered are underscored by quality, objectivity and a unique approach. To meet these requirements, the company is staffed with its own fully experienced and professionally trained consultants, in addition to an array of associate consultants and business partnerships, which lend it with specific competences to cover its fields of operation.

