
The right choice for your business!                

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The Company

ENERGY CHOICE was incorporated in the second semester of 1996, with the main focus on technical and  commercial advisory for business development, based on the vast technical and managerial expertise of its founders, in the domestic and international realms, acquired during three decades of direct involvement in the electrical sector. The company accomplishments in the energy segment saw rapid expansion, leading it to build a vast portfolio of achievements during this short time in business, covering different objectives.

The following products are the most noteworthy:

studies and technical-commercial support for energy contracting;

analysis of opportunities, and structuring of strategies of investment in generation and transmission;

diagnosis of companies in support to participation of Brazilian and foreign investors in connection with        privatization auctions;

general studies of support to energy trading;

negotiation, structuring and preparation of PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements);

energy studies for hydroelectric power developments;

economic and financial evaluations of projects and studies covering the structure and evolution of             electric-energy prices.


In 1999, with the purpose of promoting a more specialized approach within the scope of the electrical sector, Energy Choice set up an associate company – Energy Choice S/C – Engenharia e Representações – to complement the actions of the Consulting and Business company in matters directly related to technical engineering studies applied to electrical systems.  

Early in its operations, Energy Choice incorporated various activities involving entrepreneurial development and professional training. The company started to promote educational, training, qualification and upgrading programs covering the following subjects: overhaul of the Brazilian Electrical Sector, pricing and rates for electric energy under the new model of the sector, energy trading, marketing development and cogeneration.

As a complement, the business is participating, under a special partnership role, of entrepreneurial development and technical training and management programs conducted by reputed organizations: CEPEADE-Center for Post-Graduation and Research in Administration; FDC – Dom Cabral Foundation,  FJP – João Pinheiro Foundation, IBMEC Educational.

Finally, Energy Choice has relied the background of its staff in terms of planning and development studies to carry out various activities associated with development programs in urban and regional scales.

The first job consisted of the conception and structuring of a new development model for the city of Itajubá, intended for transforming the city into a technopolis, by exploring the historical vocation of this southern Minas Gerais State municipality as a technological park. Currently, such performance is already fully consolidated, contemplating a vast and diversified portfolio of achievements in the State of Minas Gerais.


